Monday, March 11, 2013

So apparently, Saturday when I was at work, a truck hit my house.

Yeah.  Really.

Not that I knew it.

Sunday, after eating lunch with mom, I came back here to my house and was here not more than 15 minutes when there was some seriously pounding on my front door.  At first I'm pissed, thinking who the hell has to knock THAT hard?  And then when I get to the door I see a cop standing there.  Which explained it all, cause cops are dicks.  But I digress....

He ask if I'm the home owner and then he asks if I know what happened yesterday.  I tell him I don't so he says, "Someone hit your house."  And of course, I'm like "WHAT?"  So he took me out and showed it.

It was minor damage to be sure, but damage was there.  He said a lady was driving a big old pickup truck that probably didn't have power steering and when she turned into the alley, she couldn't get it swerved back around and hit the house.  Pam, who lives in the other half of the house, came out because she felt the house move!!!  What the hell?

I'm glad it was only minor damage though.  I took the police report to my insurance company, and I was unimpressed with their response (in fact, I haven't been overly impressed with their service for about 6 months...but I digress...).  Upon returning home, I called the lady and left my phone number for her to give to her insurance company and to have them contact me.

Here are two pics of the damage:

See the gauged out brick there?  That's the damage.

And see all that debris at the bottom?  That's, I believe, brick chips and mortal that's been knocked out.

So yeah, I've lived in a few houses over my 45 years and never has one been struck by a car.  I guess I was due.



Tam said...

Wow, minor damage but still needs to be repaired. Did you look on the inside? I know it's right by the foundation so you may not see any damage, but when they pushed snow up against my neighbors outside brick wall, it looked like only a minor cave in of brick, but it pushed through the drywall on the inside. So make sure you double check for ALL damage before you make a claim. Hope your insurance doesn't dick you around. Or hers.

Anonymous said...

At the place we're in right now the landlord had the front steps rebuilt.

A month later a woman driving a stolen car crashes into the new brickwork on the steps.