Saturday, March 09, 2013

Goldfinger, the man with the Midas touch....

I've been watching the James Bond movies on G4.  They've been playing them in order and I've seen most  of the Sean Connery ones now. Well I've seen ALL the movies before, even the George Lazenby one, but I mean this past week.  And it got me thinking...Daniel Craig will, I assume, tire of the role.  Although hopefully not too soon.  Because while Sean Connery is the BEST James Bond, Daniel Craig is without a doubt the HOTTEST.  But I digress.

Anyway, as I was saying, I was thinking of the time when Daniel Craig might want to give up the 007 name, well who should replace him?

I have no idea WHO the guy is, but I would DEFINITELY recommend him for the job!

Or if not Bond himself, then this guy could just be some random extra standing in the background.


Or wearing only Speedos.

In every.



1 comment:

Tam said...

Wow. He's gorgeous.