Friday, March 08, 2013

The ParisPekings are going out of town tonight, so I'm watching their dog.  Just overnight, luckily.  But I have to unlock the door, turn off the burglar alarm, let the dog out, feed the dog, let the dog out again, put the dog away, set the alarm and then leave the house.  Any takers on whether I can do this without embarrassing or hurting myself?

ALCMDPP said to me last night, "Just don't burn my house down or kill me dog, that's all I ask."

That sounds reasonable. 

Although I made him no promises.....



Polt said...

SHIT! That's what I get for not proofreading. Correction made.


Anonymous said...

I have a plant that requires watering every other day. It can go two to three days but it's dicey.

So when we left for a grand holiday trip I asked a friend to stop in every 3 days or so and give it a good dose of water.

Came back to a dead plant.