Sunday, May 19, 2013

Still at it, till death us do part (Part 43)...

Dead Or Alive???

Emmanuel Lewis

Mr. Lewis was born in 1971.  He was 4'3" tall and said there was no medical reason for his height, it's just how tall he was.  He was the poor man's Gary Coleman, starring the the show Webster, a show that was a rival network's attempt to cash in on the Diff'rent Strokes phenomenon.  Following the show, he attended and graduated from Clark Atlanta University in 1997.

So tell me, Emmanuel Lewis, is he....Dead Or Alive?



Anonymous said...

I'm gonna say alive.

It's entirely possible he's still with us because he'd only be 42 years old now.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you just murdered Webster

Polt said...

A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking, I'm going to count this as a still alive vote from you, even though you didn't explicitly say so.

And really, what's the problem? If he's not already dead, who's gonna care is I kill him here?


Amie said...


Tam said...


john said...
