Saturday, October 05, 2013

Can't keep my hands off her, we on a dinner date....

Monday evening, I've got a dinner date.

With a girl.

No, really, I'm not kidding.

Her name is Kathy and 27 years ago, or so, she attended my Junior Prom with me.  We were friends first, and then around the prom dated for a few weeks, and then went back to friends.  She taught me how to unhook a bra with one hand.  Together we watched one of the worst movies I have EVER seen: Attack Of The Killer Tomatos.  She moved away after school, to Colorado.  Later, I had no intention of attending my 10th year anniversary, but she came back by surprise, and insisted I go with her, and thus, we did.

She's back visiting some family in town, and messaged me on Facebook about getting together.  And of course I said yes.  So we're going to get something to eat in some authentic Waynesboroian atmosphere, so we're going to The Waynesburger!  She said her son (who's 14...good GOD I am old!) is here with her, but he wants to play some video games his uncle gave him.  And I said while I'm sure he'd enjoy the food at the Waynesburger, I'm equally certain he'd be bored to tears listening to two old farts reminisce.  So it'll just be both of us.

Which ought to be a BLAST!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

How fun! I can't believe that some of my friends have kids that are in high school (or gulp, college). Just wait till their kids start having kids. Eek.

Ha!Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was baaad. So was the cartoon (which I got to work on! No wonder our company went under and we were all laid off).

Have a fun dinner!