Monday, October 21, 2013

Lazy days in Los Angeles, if it ain't your parents....

I am such a lazy fuck.  No really, I am.  See what have I done the last two and a half days?  Nothing.  Well, I DID spend time with a fuckbuddy, did a load of laundry, walked to Waynesburger for lunch with ALCMDPP, mailed two packages, and watched a helluva a lot of football and The West Wing episodes.  Other than that....bubkiss.

Last week, last Wendesday I believe, I was talking to mom and I mentioned that I needed to get the dead flowers out of the front garden.  And check out the treadmill she has in the basement and never uses.  And maybe think seriously about getting a parakeet.  And get one of the fake doorbells for my backdoor like the one mom has.  And vacuum the rugs in the living room.

And what of those things have I done?  None.  Zilch.  Nada.

Mom came over this afternoon, brought the paper and handed me a plastic bag.  Inside was one of those fake doorbells I had mentioned.  She was in Lowe's today for other things and picked one up for me.

So in other words...all the things I WANT to do (eventually) are still undone, except for the one thing that my mother went ahead and did it for me.  *SIGH*

Lazy, lazy, lazy.....


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