Thursday, October 10, 2013

So yesterday, since I was feeling better after Tuesday, when I got home from work, I put on my sneakers and a t-shirt and took a half hour walk.  Lots of people that I passed were wearing jackets and t-shirts, but not me, no.  I was all about the walking and the cool weather and cooling breeze.

Sweating all the while.

So, yeah, afterwards, I didn't feel the best.  A bit sweaty cold and icky.  So I took a shower, and didnt turn the heat on.  So yeah....

I went to bed last night about 830 and went to sleep before 1030.  And, even though I took Nyquil, I still coughed all night.  And felt like crap when I woke up.  So after taking the day off work, i went back to sleep.  I slept basically 12 hours, despite the coughing.

I've laid around all day so far, not doing anything but watching TV and putzing around online.  Which I think is what I should have been doing.  And I'm pretty sure I should have saved the walk yesterday until like tomorrow.

Ah, well, tomorrow, is another day, and it'll be a better one, right?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Poop. Hope you're feeling better.