Saturday, October 26, 2013

The silver bracelet, that's where it all turns around....

So, as you may or may not know, I'm in a CD exchange with a few online friends.  Have been for...well, for a few years I guess.  Each month we have a theme and someone to send the CD too, and then I make a CD following that theme and then mail it off.

Well this particular month, for October, the theme is Halloween.  Makes sense.  And this month Tam and I both have each other.  I've sent my CD off last week.  Today I got her package from Canada.  I opened and out dropped a CD and......this:

Yeah, it's a flash drive.  Attached to a long, rubber bandy thing.  A long purple rubber bandy thing.  With a post-it note attached that reads "NSFW content".

Frankly.....I'm scared.

I emailed her asking her what it is and she replied: "It's a groovy bracelet o'porn!"

Well that it is, that it is inDEED! I just have to get up the nerve to check what's on it.....



Tam said...

I put the label on because I was afraid you'd open it at work or something. LOL And well, you know me well enough, it's not going to be a dwarf fisting orgy. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) It fastens together to make a bracelet or I suppose you could fasten it around any body part. You know, like an ankle. ;-)

Polt said...

Okay Tam, I love this comment like nobody's business. Laughing out loud am I. :)

And I checked it out....not dwarf fisting orgy to be sure, but still pretty nice. :)

You're awesome, thanks!



Amie said...

I am pretty sure now that I read that every time I see you I will have to wonder if you have porn on your special no no place.

vuboq said...

I kind of want to add "Groovy Bracelet of Porn" to my everyday lexicon.

Polt said...

Amie, you should ALWAYS worry if I have porn on my special-no-no-place.

VUBOQ, I think we ALL should do that, as much as possible.


Michelle M. said...

I'm sure it didn't take you long to work up the nerve ; ).