Friday, September 04, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 247)...

Chapter 9, Page 3...

Work was okay, but really, that's not even important about today.

After work, I went to the dentist's office.  He wanted to check out my bottom tooth, the one with the crown and the abscess underneath.  I explained to him everything that had happened.  He tapped the tooth, and felt the bubble at the bottom of my jaw.  And he said, "Yep, okay, well we're gonna have to go in and get it."

And I was all like, "WHAT?"  He said that pocket is an abscess filled with infection, and we'd have to go in and get it out.  And I was all like, "WHAT?"  He explained, while he and his assistant started prepping things, "You've been taking anti-biotics for two weeks and this batch of infection is still there, so it's not going to go away on it own. We'll go in and get it out."

I'm thinking, well panicing, actually, about what all this means.  I've broken out in a cold sweat, I'm having heat flashes, I'm fanning myself, oh I'm stressing.  I asked him, if by going in to get it, meant he was going to prick the bubble through the gum and get it, or remove the crown and drill through the toorh.  And he says, "Oh no, we'll just drill right through the crown."  Oh that did NOT help things.

Okay, to make the grizzly details less so, he gave me two shorts of novacaine, and then drilled through the crown, and I presume through the tooth too.  And then he put something else in there and despite the novacaine, I felt this: sharp quick blasts of pain under my tooth.  And I grimaced, but just kept telling myself  "do it, do it, do it, do it, whatver, get it done, get it done, get it done."

And soon after that, he, and the assistant who hadthe suction, were both commenting on the infection coming out.  Obviously, not having seen it, I'm assuming it just looked like pus, which is freakin' disgusting....but that's what it is.  And he had to push on the bubble to push all the infection out to get suctioned away...I presume like popping a zit or something.  Lovely.

Anyway, after this, they had we rinse twice with Listerine, continue to do that twice a day, and come back to see them in two weeks.  If there's not infection, then they'll cap the crown and we'll be done.  If there is infection, they'll get it out again.  Oh joy.

The whole procedure took like 20 minutes, but when i got home, I was covered in sweat as if I had run a marathon.  But that's how I am with tooth issues.  I took a Vicodin before the novacaine wore off, but I really had no pain whatsoever.    I was surprised. I even ate Mama Polt's Homemade Chicken Corn Soup and a ham sandwich a bit later.  When I got up to use the bathroom about 130, I had a little pressure but took some Advil and that took care of it.

Amazing that there wasn't more pain.  But anyway, after eating, i just watched TV, did shit on the comptuer and then went to bed, read and to sleep.


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