Sunday, May 01, 2011

"Hey, Polt, you haven't posted in over a day, where have you been?"

Thanks for asking.  Remember that nagging sort throat I mentioned earlier in the week?  Well, it's migrated into my head.  So now, in addition to the sore throat, nagging cough, and lack of sleep I'm now headachy, snot running out of my nose and congestion.  And just recently I've felt phlegm moving around in my chest.  Oh joy.

After leaving work an hour early yesterday, I've done little but lay on the sofa and watch crappy TV.   I've not felt like getting online.  I did manage to watch two hours of highlights of the Royal Wedding.  Yeah, that's what my life has reverted to.  Although, I gotta say Harry and the bride's brother both were looking particularly shagalicious.

Anyways, I'm right now not feeling extremely bad so hopefully that continues.  Luckily I've got today and tomorrow off work to recover.



Tam said...

Sounds nasty. Glad you are feeling a titch better. Hopefully even better tomorrow.

Michelle M. said...

Blech. Hope you're better for the weekend.

I recorded the wedding but fast forwarded the arrivals. I agree with you - both Harry and James Middleton looked very dapper.