Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Sean is visitng his father in Wheeling WV this weekend.  Despite that and the fact I spent Saturday night into Sunday with him, he and I have spoken either on the phone or in person Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.  And probably will tonight as well. (update: we did talk tonight as well!) I don't know what he and I...'are', or where we may be heading, but I'm damn sure enjoying the trip! And intend to continue doing so.
"Victoria Jackson blames Glee for making boys gay. Frankly I think Victoria Jackson is more responsible for that."  I LOVE George Takei!
I really do try not to be judgemental of others, and I do try to be supportive of others in the LGBT community.  But I gotta say, Chaz Bono just freaks me the hell out.
Battlestar Galactica is, quite simply, awesome television, intense drama and great scifi.  I still find everything about Gaius tedious, especially the conversations with Six that only he can see.  My eyes glaze over everytime that happens.  And oh, there's a few nit-picky things.  But by and large, everything is amazing.  The plotlines, the lighting, the music (especially exceptional), and best of all the characterizations.  And they didn't have a crappy first and second season like, say, ST:TNG.  I anxiously await the chance to watch more of the episodes.  It gets me through the day, looking forward to watching them at night.
They finally hired a replacement for Bossy Know-It-All Coworker, who retired in December.  He started last week, and spent it with the other person in my department going over everything. Now, this week, the other person in my department is on vacation, and I've got New Guy with me all week.  And he's doing an exceptional job.  Picked up on things last week, pretty damn quick.  I'm hoping what I've seen so far this week is just how professional and well done things will be with him.  Quite a difference from the way things were the last 15 years.
Have I mentioned I detest this kinda weather.  Highs in the mid-90s today, temp of 83 degrees when I left the house this morning at 7:30am.  I hate it.  HATE it.
I wasn't sure if I was going to the Gay Pride Parade in DC this year. Been to everyone since 1997 except for one in 2004 when I was in ALCMDPP's wedding.  Last year, for the first time, I went alone.  And while I had a good time, as always, I didin't have a great time.  And I had no one lines up to go with me this either, and I was seriously thinking about just not going.

And then, earlier this week, I got a text from my co-worker Laura. She went with me a few years ago. Her cousin, and he cousin's gay teenaged (19 I think) son are interested in going.  So now I'm excited to go, cause I've got people to go with.  And, if we've got a cute 19 year old guy with us, we'll get a LOT more beads, candy, condoms, stickers and other various trinkets thrown our way!
And of course, here's the obligatory Bits-N-Pieces eye candy!



Anonymous said...

I'm planning on doing pride in Boston, Providence and NYC this year.

Michelle M. said...

So happy to hear about you and Sean. Enjoy the ride (I know you will ; ). Also glad to hear about the replacement. That must be a gigantic relief.

I'm not looking forward to the heat this summer will bring. At least we don't get the humidity you do. Yuck.