Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Don we now our gay apparel....

Happy Gay Pride Anniversary Day (or something like that) everyone! 


It was 42 years ago this night that a bunch of the gays, and lesbians and drag queens, and whatever stood up to the cops at one of their periodic raids on the gay bar Stonewall.  And for three nights, Teh Gays fought back, taking to the streets and telling the world, several years before the movie Network made it famous, that they "were mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore!"

And this, friends, neighbors, straight people, and fellow Teh Gays, is what is generally conisidered the start of the Gay Rights movement.  The moral of the story being: Don't piss off a drag queen.

And now for the obligatory photos.

A batch of gay Crayola crayons.  They can go out and color the town any damn color they wish.

A really cute Asian twinkie, with rainbow hair, and possibly rainbow bracelts and undies too. 

The Empire State Building, last Friday night (and possibly the entire weekend, I don't know) rainbow colored for Gay Pride/Gay marriage passing in NY.

And the even the crew of the Enterprise is in the spirit with these FABulous rainbow tuques.  (I know I posted this before, but seriously, the looks on their faces just crack me the hell up all everytime I see it!)

Anyway, have a great Gay Pride.  And if you see one of Teh Gays today, give 'em a hug!


1 comment:

Tam said...

Happy Gay Day! Those crayons are cute and I love the look on Picard's face. It makes me laugh.