Saturday, June 04, 2011

I'm sick of this mutation All of this masturbation...

Last night, with Ghostie and A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking, I saw X-Men, First Class.

Gotta say, overall, I enjoyed.  I give it a B.  Oh, they trampeled all over the history of the almost 50 years of X-Men history in comic books.  But taken as a self contained story, the movie itself was quite well done.  And enjoyable.  Plenty of action sequences, decent characterization, only two not-so-irritating montages, mostly historically accurate, and quite fun.

Having not read anything about the movie beforehand, I was pleasantly surprised at all the people I knew in it: James Mcelvoy, Oliver Platt, Kevin Bacon, Nicholas Hault.  And there was plenty of eye candy: the previously mentioned Nicholas Hault, the poor unforunate black guy playing Darwin (who never got to take his shirt off, which was even MORE unfortunate cause he looked really hot under that), the hairthing who had the tornado powers, the mop-headed lanky Banshee, and especially, the hottie playing Havoc.  Yummy.  And for the str8 guys (the two that actually read the Palace), there's plenty of scantily clad attractive women too.

I'm not sure if they've got a sequel planned, but as long as the same people work on it, I'm gonna be there on opening night again.  I do have a few minors quibbles: I have no idea who the devil guy was, nor the hairthing that had tornado powers.  And Angel, even though she was based on a character in the comics, was just simply stupid.  Couldn't they have chosen another character?

Nonetheless, if anyone even feels remotely interested in it, I'd say go see it.  Right now.  Cause it is a good fun time.



Jere Keys said...

Riptide and Azazel are rather obscure X-Men characters. Azazel is, in the comics, Nightcrawler's father. He is also, quite literally, the devil. Which is why he is one of the most hated storylines and characters in all of X-Men history.

Craig said...

I liked it, didn't love it. But it was my most anticipated movie of the summer, so my hopes were really high. I think I'll enjoy it more the second time around. I also want to marry the guy playing McCoy. Soooo hot.