Thursday, June 30, 2011

you're caught in a psychological flu...

Okay, well I'm back in the land of living.  Yesterday morning, about 1AM I woke up feeling achey all over, with a bad headache and a thick throat, and I tossed and turned sleeping sporadically until about 4AM when I thought, "Well if I'm gonna be miserable, I might as well be cool" and turned on the a/c  After that, I went to sleep and slept through until my alarm went 7AM.  But I felt better.  So I got up and got to work.

About 945 or so, I started to feel achey again, and it got worse throughout the day.  I left work early and came home and spent the rest of the day laying around my living room, achey, headachy, slightly sore throat, feverish, at times, shivering so much I had to turn off the a/c and ceiling fan and coverup with a blanket.  And yet I shivered still.

I didnt sleep well most of last night, and I was in bed covered up with a sheet AND a blanket, and still shivering.  However, sometime about 6AM, I think it was, I woke up, drenched in sweat.  I still was achey, so I called into work and took the day off and then went back to sleep.

I got up about 9:30, and other than a headache and feeling exhausted, I was okay.  I laid around the house all day, Advil taking the edge off the headache, thank God.  Sean was supposed to come over tonight, but he sent me an email saying his dad and stepmom were arriving for the weekend tonight instead of tomorrow night.  And I told him it was okay, cause I still wasn't really feeling up to doing anything.  So it all worked out.

I have been on the computer a little bit.  I've been reading.  I'm doing some laundry right now.  And I just got back from the Hallmark store where I got all the cards I'll need for the month of July, although this simple action pretty much tired me out.  Guess I'll just spend the remainder of the day resting again.  And then tomorrow, back to life as usual.

So, what's been going on with you people?



Tam said...

Glad it doesn't seem to be a lingering two week flu.

What's new? Ummm. Canada Day!!!! Long weekend!!!!! No plans for the big day. We've kind of BTDT with the big celebrations downtown and with a half million people expected to try and get a glimpse of the royals tomorrow I think we'll pass. I think they kid might get together with a friend after I pick her up and that's about it. Relaxing day.

Hope you feel even better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

As of right now I'm on a mini-vacation. I'm taking Friday off and then the Monday holiday, then Tuesday off. A five day weekend. I could get used to that.

Went out to dinner with friends this evening at Wrights Farm in North Smithfield, RI. They do chicken quite well.

It's Keyron's birthday tomorrow so we'll be flitting around a bit. It's all good.

And last weekend we were in NYC for Pride 2011. What a blast that was. I still have to upload all the video I shot and do a massive blog post.

Michelle M. said...

Ah, I hope you're feeling better. I was having computer problems Thursday and then the whole thing crashed Friday. Harry spent all day yesterday fixing the darn thing.

We have no plans for the fourth. We are so boring. Hope yours is healthy and happy!