Thursday, June 23, 2011

Eat for two, live for two, eat for

Yesterday, I had a particularly crappy day at work.  It was my first day back after three days off, never a time for me to be in a good mood, but I was even more BLAH than usual.  Then, no sooner do I get to work than a co-worker pisses me off, and then there goes the whole freaking day!  It took out, unfortunately, on a friend co-worker who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  And I did later apologize for it, and we shook hands and all was right with the world.  Well not really, but all was right between he and me.

The day was so crappy that I honestly didn't feel suitable to be around man nor beast and I considered calling Sean and canceling.  But then my logic (and lust) overruled my anger (and stupidity) and I didn't.  I got home, got the a/c started, putzed around online a bit and relaxed, waiting for him to arrive.

When he got to my place, we sat on the sofa, cuddled a bit and talked.  And laughed.  He said some stuff just off the cuff that cracked me the hell up.  He was also there to cook us a meal, but since he'd never done that in my kitchen, he needed to time to "get to know my kitchen".  So he checked all the cupboards, the pantry and the refridgerator and said, "My God, you live like a bachelor.  A straight bachelor!"  Which really is true.  He was impressed with my supply of condiments in the fridge, though, and by the few spices I had.

So then off we went to Wal-Mart for the food.  We got in there, he grabbed a bucket and was like a man on a mission!  I walk pretty fast myself generally, but I was continually a few steps behind him, cause he knew what he needed, and wasn't letting any grass grow under his feet getting it.  Per our agreement, since he was cooking it at my place, I was paying for the supplies.  And once he gathered everything, that's what I did.

We returned to my house and Sean promptly told me to "get out of my kitchen."  Apparently, I'd only be in the way of his preparations.  So, what could I do, I vacated.  I figured out my finances.  I talked to the neightbor outside.  I turned on iTunes and listened to music.  I putzed around online.  Everytime I went into the kitchen, I was allowed there only a little bit until I was shooed away.  Although the one time I was in there, he did let me try a piece of the meat he had cut off to test if it was ready.

We had already decided we were going to watch Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 OnDemand, since he didn't see it, but wants to see Part 2 when it comes out.  So I got that all spooled up to go.  I went out to the kitchen to tell him it was ready and he wouldn't even let me in!  I went back to the living room and soon saw why: he came in with my plate already fixed up!  Pork chip with some kind of breadcrumby covering and paramsean cheese, corn, and (per my reqeust) asparagus. 
(Sean's been able to do something to me nobody else in my life ever has: made me like asparagus.  Who knew?  I've not tried to too often, but I didn't enjoy it when I did.  But the last two times he's made it, it's been yummy.  He told me he's going to work hard to get more vegetables in my diet.  Good luck with that, I say.)

Yes, not only did he cook the meal, but he served me!  I might actually one day find out what it's like to get breakfast in bed too!   Anyway, he then came in with his plate and we settled down to eat while watching the movie.  the food was delicious, the movie...meh.  But I'd already seen the movie.

During said movie, we were both a little frisky, and I repeatedly had to chastize him to "watch the movie!  We can play later!"  And I had to chastize myself with that as well. But I love watching a movie on my sofa and cuddling with someone while doing so.  And Sean is a great cuddler.

Following the movie, it was off to bed, for some rather quick bedtimesexxyfun, but then as we were both...ready, I guess it's not surprising it didn't take long.  And then we spent some after time cuddling and talking before I turned out the light and we went to sleep.  He's great to sleep with cause he doesn't hog the covers, and he doesn't lay all over me all night (although his occasional, temporary lay over were quite pleasant).  And then unfortunately, this morning, I had to get up and go to work, and he got up and was on his way to the gym.  The cherry pie we bought for desert went untouched.

Friday night after work, Sean and I and ALCMDPP will be going to see Green Lantern, with a meal probably afterwards.  And then Sean might come back and stay over night again.  And then Sunday, he's going to a going-away party for a friend in my home town and when that's over, he'll be stopping my place, and probably spend the night as well. (The going away party's being hosted by an ex-boyfriend for a mutual friend of theirs, so that's why he didn't invite me, and even if he did, I would have declined to go.  That's just a recipe for drama and awkwardness)

Things are going well.  WHERE they're going, I'm not sure either of us know.  But we both did, at different time, make refernece to "I'm glad I'm dating a [fill in the blank]", so we both consider us to be dating.  Anything more, who knows yet.

Oh, and naturally, I grabbed a few photos too!

Sean working in my kitchen

Food prep

Pork chops ready to go in the oven

Cutest waiter delivering the meal I've seen all day

The delicious final product.



Ray Avito said...

Sounds like an ideal evening, and now I'm hungry. I'm happy things are going well for you guys.

Michelle M. said...

How wonderful to have someone cook for you - Sean sounds like a catch! And he gets massive points for getting veggies in your diet : ).

Anonymous said...

Looks great. Thanks for the recipe.