Sunday, April 01, 2012

And isn't it ironic....

So a few weeks ago, I was walking around Lowe's wasting time waiting on a fuckbuddy, cause that's where he worked and we were going to play over his lunch hour, and I was bored.  I mean, Lowe's a home improvement store, what the HELL am I gonna want there (other than one of their employees for a quickie)?  I mean, even the books all deal with do-it-yourself fixing-upping...of which I have exactly zero interest.

So I'm roaming around and I see these on display and I think, "I need a photo!"

It's a batch of purple hoes!  How cool. 
And then it hit me....purple hoe.....hmm, well that's me, a purple hoe, taking a photo of purple hoes.

Oh, irony.


Tam said...

This could be a new pick-up technique. You wander around Lowes with a purple hoe over shoulder sending out the clear message you are interested in a little garden action.

Polt said...

"A little garden action"? Um, no...I don't want dirt and mulch in placed the good Lord never intended them to be. :)


Michelle M. said...

There's a joke in here somewhere about enjoying a good plowing. But I'm not going to make it.