Monday, April 23, 2012

People try to judge me when they're not in my shoes (Part 12)...

Last night, I watched  Last Days, and I'm glad I got it on Netflix and didn't buy it, cause it totally sucked.

It's a Gus Van Sant movie, so it surprised me that I didn't like it, I usually like his stuff.  But this time, no...not so much.

It's a take on the last days of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain.  It stars Micheal Pitt, who wanders throughout the movie in hairthing quite similar to Cobain's, so I enjoy that.  And he's shirtless several times, which was enjoyable as well.  And there's a scene between Pitt and Lukas Haas where they underdress (unfortunately not full frontal though) and get into bed and kiss once.  The assumption is that they then have sex, which is tantalizing, but take place all off screen.

And that's it.  Other than that, the movie consists of Pitt/Cobain wandering around a large nearly empty house in the woods, avoiding the three or four other people there.  He doesn't have many lines, in fact, no one does.  It's an hour and thirty seven minutes of basically nothing happening.  And the ending it known before the movie starts.

This is similar to how Van Sant did the Columbine-esque movie Elephant, which I loved.  But this time around, it just doesn't work for me.  Honestly, I was bored throughout and several times thought of turning it off, but I wanted to see if anything even remotely interesting would happen.  Nothing did.

I can't in any way recommend it.  Avoid it like the plague.


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