Friday, April 20, 2012

Ive been spending the evening removing all the duplicates from my iTunes library (every single song came back with a copy of it).  Whoa, yeah, that's fun.  And I discovered that while I remembered to save pretty much all the photos I wanted to use for the blog, for whatever reason, I did NOT save the Chest file, the one that had like 4000 photos for me to use for Monday's Hot Shirtless Guy Photos for the next, oh, 25 years or so.  SO I've got go out and try to track down a bunch of them when I'm done with iTunes.

But in the meantime, I may have mentioned somewhere I'm on a low to no carb diet.  Fun?  Sure it is.  But I'm also trying to exercise more.  And I've been keeping track of it since the beginning of the month.  So, in the 20 days we've had so far in April, I have taken 14 walks on 12 different days.  They've ranged in length from 10 minutes to 45 minutes...and I walk pretty fast.   It's been 448 minutes of walks, for an average of 32 minutes each time I take a walk.  Pretty good for someone who, just six months ago, barely walked more than from the sofa to the fridge.

And now, back to iTunes and the deleting of the duplicates.



Tam said...

Yay you for walking. I should follow your lead.

As for hot guys, just sign up for Tumblr and I can give you some blogs to follow. I usually find my dash is filled with about 300+ pics a day. :-) You can't have too much hardcore gay porn (or soft). Just ask Mikey.

truthspew said...

I wish you would have sent the laptop up here. I know how to recover data.