Monday, April 02, 2012

This is the cover the upcoming Wonder Woman issue #8.

A few months ago, DC rebooted thier entire line of comics, canceling everything and restarting it from scratch, and this cover totally epitomizes what is wrong with the whole thing.

Wonder Woman firing pistols!?!?!?  WHAT THE FUCK???????

This 'new' Wonder Woman has a sword strapped to her hip and is way too eager to use it.  And I thought that was bad enough...but guns?  REALLY?

Wonder Woman was always an ambassador of peace.  Yes, she was super-strong, second only to perhaps Superman in the DC pantheon, but she was a diplomat and attempted to use her formidable offensive abilities last after everything else has failed.  Now, however, she's apparently blood-thristy, craving battle, and apparently as much at home with' hot lead' as she used to be with her magic lasso.

Apparently, in the 'new' DC Universe, Wonder Woman is little more than Bruce Willis from Die Hard with breasts.  Or Cline Eastwood in a swimsuit and tiara.  Or Steven Segal with long hair and longer shapely legs.

If it weren't true, the whole idea would be laughable.  Instead, since it's true, it's simply laughably sad and pathetic. 

I can NOT wait for the time when sales plummet and DC realizes they made a huge mistake and gets things back to the way the were before and SHOULD have remained.  I give it no more than three years.  If the powers that be at DC were idiotic enough to sanction this in the first place, it'll take them several years to admit they were wrong...but hopefully no more than three.


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