Thursday, April 19, 2012


So you may have noticed I was gone for a lil bit.  Like a smidge over two weeks.  yeah, something like that.  Something like that.  So i thought I might just give a short update of what's been happening to and with me in that time.

I realized I've got some great friends who are willing to sacrifice their evenings to help out a friend with a computer virus on their computer (I'm looking at you, StratCat and Corey).  I went to a wedding and had an amazing time with friends there.  I discovered that I quite enjoy a local vineyard's Route 9 Red Wine (so much so I had 10 glasses in one evening!).  Grandma Polt got a pacemaker, and she's still recovering, but doing quite well.  I had a dry streak sexually, until the 15th when Kris came back.  And I spent a wonderful, but sadly short, few hours with him.  Apparently, he's supposed to be moving back to the area, maybe as soon as next month.  I ate a hard boiled Easter egg mom had colored for me.  Out of the 19 days so far in April, I've taken a walk on 11 of them, for an average time of 33 minutes each.  I got to drive my very first Mercedes!  I filed my local taxes for last year, and even though I paid them last year quarterly, it turns out I misestimated them by one dollar, so I sent a check in with my form for one dollar.  Was very thankful for having my iPhone, cause it was my lifeline to the Internet when my laptop was all tits up.  Corey spent an evening here...on the sofa.  I've made plans to have, hopefully, my first threesome in several years tomorrow night.  Have eaten more steak, sausages, burger patties, and eggs thatn I have in the last year all put together.  Lost 5 pounds (more of less).  Watched the movie "The Birds" twice on cable.  Vacuumed the upstairs hallway and cleaned the sink and toilet.  Did perhaps seven loads of laundry.  Pre-ordered the second season of The Walking Dead.  Played an insane number of Words With Friends games.  Finished the first Lord Of The Rings Book, read an entire Doctor Who book and started a Star Trek book.  Had several crazy dreams that I remember, which is crazy, not only because of the dreams content, but because I NEVER remember my dreams.  Flirted shamelessly with a server behind the bar at the wedding.  Read a Fineus and Ferb book with my 7 year old cousin.   Got new glasses.  Bought an external hard drive.  And I'm sure a few other things I'm forgetting, but you get the idea. has YOUR April been so far?


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