Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm back in the saddle again....

Well Im typing this to you from my newly reformatted laptop.  StratCat spent like four hours here (and I spent $21 for shrimp and $12 buck for Asti for us both as a thank you gift to her), and got everything refomatted, all the stuff downloaded, and it's back up and running.

There are some small differences, like when I loaded my iTunes back on every single song is now in there twice, and I forgot to save all my previous playlists, which SUCKS, but at least I've got iTunes back again.  And I still dont have any of my photos or documents reloaded back on, so there is that.  But my anti-virals are up and running and she's running like a charm!  the laptop, not StratCat....although she may be running that way anyway.

So, assuming I can get all my other shit uploaded tomorrow by myself, without any problems (which is by NOT means assured), I'll be back to posting to The Palace pretty regularly again, hopefully by the weekend.

Three cheers for StratCat!  Laura, you freakin' ROCK!


1 comment:

truthspew said...

Safest way to restore a computer is as follows:

1) Make sure if you can't do a direct image, at least backup the Documents and Settings folder.

2) Rebuild and re-install all applications. Make sure they're the same version as before the restore. I know iTunes in particularly complains loudly about this.

3) Shut down and boot Knoppix and copy in the Documents and Settings folder.

4) Reboot the computer and voila! Everything is where it's supposed to be.