Sunday, April 15, 2012

MIssed you, you've been away, away, I've missed you....

Okay, so no the laptop isn't fixed, it's still viral-bound. Corey said he's help me reformat it, since I found the start up disks, but, he's got college, a job, and a girl-friend, so I realize I'm fourth on his priority list. And I'm okay with all that. Its understandable. So i spoke to StratCat from work, she who knows he way around a computer, and she said she'll help me some night this week to get it done. So it shouldn't be to much longer...I hope.

Anyway, today, Kris was here. YAY!!! Today was his 22nd birthday. He and Sean came up yesterday and a huge birthday party was held somewhere (he invited me but I had a wedding yesterday and didn't get home until 10:30 so I was tired and was slightly intoxicated...and I knew I would be both so I had declined when he asked me initially) and much fun was apparently had by all. And then, as planned, this afternoon we were getting together. He texted me and asked me to meet them at High Rock, which I did, actually getting there first. When Kris and Sean showed up, Kris's friend Victor was rising along. Kris showed the views to Sean, who had never seen them before, and then basically said he was going back to my place with me, Sean and Victor could show up here when they got done....and hopefully when we were done as well.

So he and I came back to my house for some bedtimesexxyfun. Damn, did I miss him. I've had sex with several guys since Kris moved in January, and yeah, some of it was really good. But, with Kris, there's something more. There's some...connection. Some chemistry. That thing that i don't have with the other guys. And it was amazing to be with him again.

It was a smidge awkward when Mom called while Kris was....busy doing something to me. Luckily, she didn't want to talk long (I HAD to answer it, it could have been something important!). And it was further a bit awkward when Sean texted to say they were at my front door. I threw on some clothes, let them in, turned on the TV and gave them the remote and then headed back upstairs. Kris and I wrapped everything up in like twenty minutes or less and came back downstairs.

Then, the four of us sat here in my living room and talked for like 45 minutes. It was fun. Sean is interesting, Victor is as cute as a gay boy can be, and quite funny too. So we had a good time talking. And then the three of them left, cause they had to get back to Richmond this evening.

I miss him again already. On the plus side, since things aren't working out very well for him where he is now, he's planning on moving back to Hagerstown, hopefully the first week of May, but I think it'll take longer than that. Irregardless, if all goes as planned, he'll get back sometime soon, and that means, he and I will be seeing more of each other, and hopefully sooner rather than later.


1 comment:

truthspew said...

Is the laptop a Dell by chance? I know Dell puts a load of the OS on a separate partition for restore purposes.