Friday, April 06, 2012

Yesterday, in addition to finding out I'd have to reformat my computer (*SIGH*), I also had an eye appointment.  My prescription didn't change much, which is good.  She dilated my pupils and after about a half hour, shined this light in my eyes and looked in.  She was checking to make sure the tiny blood vessels at the back of my eye, that are particularly susceptable to diabetes, had not ruptured, cause, when that happens, there'll be a black spot in my vision.  And there's nothing they can do for that, there's not way to correct it.  But luckily, everything looked okay.

The bad part was, since my pupils were dilated, I couldn't see a dman thing.  Everything was blurry.  Blurry for like four or five hours.  And I got a pretty decent headache from it all as well.

She told me the dilation wouldn't affect my driving but since I didn't have any sunglasses with me, she gave me these super-spiffy plastic tinted shield thingees to put behind my glasses.  Oh how stylish they were.  But at a stop light, I took them off to see how it was, and since the sun was bright and shiney, I was damn near blinded by the brightness!  I immediately dropped the shield thingees back down.  They helped me home.

And this is what I looked like:

Jealous arent you?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Yep, those shades are pretty spiffy.