Monday, April 30, 2012

The cards never lie, my last breath a sigh...

The end of each month, I make a list of events I need cards for the following month and go to the local Hallmark store to get them.  I hate the month of May when it comes to cards.  Other than all the Christmas cards I send out in December, this is the most cards I buy at any one time.  I just got finished there and I spent damn near $50.  It seems everyone was either born of married in May!  And this does not, by the way, include a card for Mother's Day because I just now remembered I forgot to get one!  Sheesh!

Next year, why don't a few of my friends and/or family just say their born in June?  Or August?  Those are slow months for me.



truthspew said...

So if they were born in May that means conception happened approximately 9 months earlier. That puts it.

I take it August is the time for getting busy in Pennsylvania.

See up here - we have lots of winter birthdays. November/December are the prime months. Which means February/March for the horny time of year.

Michelle M. said...

I was born in June. You're welcome.
I just bought all my May cards, too. I have to get them at Papyrus or the grocery store because they closed all the Hallmarks by me.

And why are cards so expensive these days??