Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ring my bell-ell-ell, ring my bell...

(Virus still not going from computer, so blogging will still be light for the forseeable future.  Don't know when I'll get it fixed...*SIGH*)

Over the weekend, I finished the first Lord Of The Rings book, for the first time.  Yes, yes, I know, someone like me who's been playing Dungeons&Dragons, and other role playing games, off and on for 30 years, and I've JUST NOW read The Lord Of The Rings?  What can I say...I'm a loser.

I tried the book twice before and just couldn't get into it.  This time I stuck with it, but it took me three weeks to get through it.  And it was quite a slog.  God, it got boring at parts.  I mean they spent like a third of the book doing NOTHING but walking!  SHEESH!  And Tom Bombadil...what the FUCK was THAT all about?????  And the SONGS!  Oh there were soooooo many different songs.  Honestly, I didn't read a sing one of them, I just simply went on to when the singing was over and took up reading again.

All in all, I was disappointed.  A bit bored.  I was expecting....I don't know, something more, something I'm more like used to.  I prefer the Dragonlance trilogy so much so I've even read it more than once.  I just think too much time was wasted on inconsequential things.  I honestly preferred the movie to the book. 

I want to read the remaining books, but I've not idea if I'll actually ever do it.  I dont imagine they change much after the first.

Ah, well, it was nice to finally see where D&D, Dragonlance, and Peter Jackson's movies came from.  I can appreciate what the book's done, laying the foundation and all, for many things in place now.  And for that it was interesting.  Otherwise....pretty meh.



truthspew said...

Some books are in fact a slog to get through. Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" was one such. Recommended by a friend and I read the damned thing. Utter dreck!

However I have read through the Hitchhikers Trilogy, The Stand (There's a tome!). In fact I like books that start at 500 pages and move on from there.

But alas I remember reading LOTR in high school. That was the one and only thing I will NEVER re-read. I've re-read Huxley's "Brave New World" and a few others from my school days but the walking, walking, walking.

Funny bit in Clerks II comparing LOTR to Star Wars though, if you have't seen Clerks I and Clerks II, along with Chasing Amy, Dogma, and all the Jay and Silent Bob movies, I feel bad for you.

TwoPi said...

The second and third books have a bit more action, so they aren't quite so dreary to slog through.