Thursday, September 13, 2012

Call me in three months time, I'll be fine (Part 23)...

Thursday Three (x2)
The Thursday Six

Since I didn't post one of these last week, I thought I'd just post double the amount today, to make up for it.

1) Friends

It's great to find out just exactly how many friends you have and who they are.  I already mentioned this, but they're all worthy of a second mention.  Friends like truthspew, who helped me diagnose computer issues over the phone and then suggested remedies.  And StratCat, who spent 5 hours of her time getting my computer back up and running (I'd say she helped me do it, but we both know I did little more than sit there and worry and stress).  And friends like Michelle and ALCMDPP who, whether they knew it or not, took my mind off of things and gave me something else to do and listened to me whine and moan and vent and were just what I needed at that point.  Friends like these are like diamonds: rare, irreplacable and worth so much more than they initally appear.

2) Fall weather

After a bad storm on Saturday afternoon, the humidity we had been having disappeared, the temps dropped into cool, lovely autumn ranges, the sky was a beautiful crystal blue with puffy white clouds in it and the weather has been incredible.  And it's stayed that way ever since!  I LOVE Autumn, it's my favorite season, and I love that it's here now.  I just hope, in two weeks or so, we're not BACK to 95 degress and similar humidity again.  Even for a short bit.

3) Football

Along with autumn temps comes FOOTBALL!  I love professional football.  In September, I only really care about the games Dallas and Washington are playing.  As the season progresses, like into November, then I watch each and every game I can.  As the weather cools, my interest in football increases.  But it's still great to have some games to watch!

4) Having a working computer again

I got the Blue Screen Of Death Thursday afternoon.  I didn't have a working computer again until Monday night.  And even though I had my iPhone (thank GOD) and could stay connected, it isn't the same.  It's like losing an appendage or something.  Just so glad it's fixed and running normal! (so far)

5) Doctor Who

Glad he's back.  Always entertaining.  I liked "Dinosaurs In Space" (or whatever it was called) MUCH more than the season premiere.  I may do a seperate post on this, but the first one was too cerebral (too much crap happening inside someone's head).  The Dinosaurs one had what I've always loved about the Doctor: humor, adventure, tied in somehow to prior Doctor Who mythos, good old fashioned evil adversary that's easy to boo and hate, and some surprise plots twists thrown in.  Hopefully, the rest of the season will be more like the second episode and not the first.

6) Hardcore Gay Pornography

I don't really have a sixth thing to put here, so I'll just rely on that old trusted stand-by: Hardcore Gay Pornography!  Can't go wrong with that.



Anonymous said...

Glad I could help. And that last category - too funny!

Michelle M. said...

I meant to put the "Hurray for fall!" comment here. Oh well.

I'm not into football, but I am watching the Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleaders Making the Team show.

Mark said...

I LOVE Fall weather! And I've fantasized about having trains run on me in frat houses. So 2 out of 6. :)

Mark said...

Oh, I also appreciate my friends, so that makes 3 out of 6.