Sunday, September 16, 2012

She speaks in riddles....

I received and email from a lovely woman previously unknown to me.  This is the message she sent to me:

Hi ! fellow! you are so  precious ! Will you  let me be your couple  and 
offer you  my ardent  life? I want  to regardfully take care of my husband  until the
end of the life and be his soul mate . I’ve got  so much of romantic  and harmony in my heart  that I’m going  to share with my
soul mate. 
I’m decent  in relations and pretty  girl. I really want 
to build free-hearted and proper relations in my future family,
to be dearest  wife and best  mother. I extremely trying  to raise smart  and intelligent  kids, travel 
at vacations  with our kids and show them the world. I enjoy  to visit  the 
movie  and exhibition, study  unusual  cultures  and history. 

Now, if you are 
carious in me write me back  and perhaps  we will
go out and become closer to each other.
With honest  and romantic wishes.

Aww, how sweet! I've always been looking for a pretty girl, decent in relations, who wants to regardfully take care of her husband.  And I TOO enjoy to visit the movie and have so much of romantic and harmony in my heart!  Clearly we are made for each other and are ready to spend an ardent life together!



Anonymous said...

Yeah, Russian to English is a little hard.

I get similar spam occasionally - luckily it ends up in my spam folder so I may not notice it for a while.

Mark said...

Just make sure you tell her about the free-hearted 'im'proper relations you will be having on the side. :)

LadyXandria said...

ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOO!!! You two are perfect for each other Polt. Clearly your soul mate has finally found you. Won't you let her be your couple?

(Sidebar: I literally have tears coming out of my eyes from laughing at this. This totally made my night. Thank you!)