Thursday, September 27, 2012

If you're on my list, it's just a matter of time (Part 11)...

10 Questions

This week, I've got a celebrity (Well at least a Palace celebrity) and a saint to answer these questions.  You all know her, or should from all the talking I do about her, but let's see if we can get to know her a bit better.  This week, I give you...

Mama Polt!

She didn't give me a blurb, but then really, does she NEED one?

1. How many times have you been under anesthesia?
Hmmm, carpal tunnel, my ankle, my knee, and my teeth, so four, I guess.
2.Who shot JR?
I don't know.  I don't remember.  Do we really know?  Who is it? (She's told it's Kristen Shepard) Oh yeah, she was his girlfriend, right?  
3. Coke, Pepsi, other or none of the above?
What, am I supposed to tell you which one I like?  Oh, okay.  Coke.
4. Gray hair: keep it, dye it or shave it off?
Oh come on, you know I keep it natural.
5. When playing Monopoly which token do you typically use?
The iron, wouldn't you know?  (laughs)
6. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Pat Boone, but back when he was young and handsome, not now.  I go back a long way, ya know?
7. What was your first pet and it's name and your most recent pet and name?
Well most recent is Angel.  The first was I guess Muffin.  She was a dog.  A miniature collie.  Oh and Angel's a poodle!
8. How many newspapers do you read?
Just the Record Herald. (our local smalltown newspaper)
9. Salt: a little or a lot?
Just a little.
10. In how many jobs have you worked?
Oh my word!  You count them.  Clothing factory.  In the office at Tool Company.  Real estate.  Snak Shop.  Some of these I even worked at the same time.  Secretary at Thompson Oil Company.  Rea & Derrick/People's drugstore.  Secretary at the Sheffield Manor housing development.  Fort Deitrick in the library and the Provost marshal's office.  And down at FEMA, a secretary and then a Budget Tech.  Oh and of COURSE a wife and mother.  Last one was probably the hardest (laughs).  So how many is that?  14?  Okay.

Totally a saint!  AND a celebrity!



Amie said...

I was just talking to Mama Polt yesterday. She was still tired from helping you clean. Shame on you wearing your mother out helping you clean. I thought for a minute I was going to have to help her back into the house. ;)

Tam said...

Mother to Polt, definitely the most challenging, but most rewarding I'm sure. ;-)

Mama Polt is the best. :-)

john said...

YAY! Best 10 Questions ever!!! Love Mama Polt.

Michelle M. said...

I love Mama Polt as well. She seems so fun and easygoing - just like her son : ).

Mark said...

Ditto John!!!