Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, Monday, ah ah, ah ah ah ah....

So this was my Monday.

I got up at 745 AM....on my freakin' day off!  Why?  No not for a nameless hookup, not for working some overtime, not to help a friend move.  No, I had a doctor's appointment.

I knew the results of the bloodwork wouldn't be that great, as I've gone off the diet I was on and because of the horrific heat back in July, I got out of my walking schedule.  But thankfully, she told me my A1C rose to 7.4, from 7.1 where is it was in June.  So the increase is NOT good, BUT on the upside, it wasn't such a terrible rise (remember back in March my A1C was 9.2).  So basically we talked about how I'm gonna get back to doing what I was doing before.  And she looked at my left foot (it's been aching occasionally right at the base of the second toe, on the bottom of the foot).  She said it wasn't gout and didn't appear to be a hairline fracture.  She said she was leaning towards some kind of arthritis, which is where I was leaning too.  But she sent me for an x-ray just to officially rule out a fracture.  Haven't heard about that yet though.

Afterwards, I eat breakfast at Denny's.  Then I came home and mom and I finished painting my bathroom.  What used to be a mostly all white bathroom, is now a blue up top, purple on the bottom, white trimmed bathroom.  And I LOVE it. Here's a pic:

After finishing this, we went to a mall cause I wanted to get a new pair of work shoes, but couldn't find anything I wanted, and then I bought Mom lunch at Bonanza.  Well, we ate at like 3:00PM, so it was a late lunch/early supper.

Following this, I came home, washed eight rugs, took a half hour nap, and then settled in to watch some TV and putz around online.  And now I'm sitting here, drinking some tea, watching some football and updating the Palace.  All in all, I think it was a productive day.  It feels productive, cause I feel tired.  Probably will go to bed before too much longer.

Hope your Monday went well too.



Alex said...

Wow, that's an awesome paint job! Very Polt! ;)

Michelle M. said...

8 rugs? That's a lot of rugs. Great paint job (I like how your shower curtain matches : ). I hate painting! We have two rooms to do. You should come out here and paint them for me!