Tuesday, September 04, 2012

So, I had a busy Monday.

First I got up earlier than usual for a Monday (about 8AM), because I had to get Jayson to the local airport to catch his plane back to Colorado.  And I got him there in plenty of time.  He was quite surprised at the tiny size of the Hagerstown airport, and it IS tiny.  As I told him, the food section of our local Wal-Mart is bigger than the airport...and that's true.

Naturally, since the airport is so tiny, so are the airplanes.  Jayson kinda freaked out a bit when he found out he'd be flying to Baltimore in a Cessna twin engine...a nine-seater plane."Suburbans have 9 seats...I'm gonna be on a Suburban in the air!"  And even though I assured him repeatedly he'd be okay, frankly, if it were me, I don't think I'd want to get on that small of a plane either.  In one that size, if I sneezed, I'd be afraid of knocking it off course. But get on it he did, and he made it to Colorado safe and sound and on time.

After watching the plane take off, I drove to the home of A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking.  While in the airport, he had called me and asked me if I wanted to eat at Friscos, and of COURSE, I always want to eat there.  So after getting to his place, saying hi and getting goodbye hugs from his girls, and seeing the new room they made for the one girl, off we went.

We had to stop by the school he works at for a short bit, and he gave me a tour.  The school is only three years old, and it is IMPRESSIVE!  Frequently, it reminded me of a college campus, not a high school.  It's amazing.  And after this we went to Friscos and had an great, as always, meal.  And then we went to Barnes & Noble, which again, is always a great experience, although much to my surprise, I didn't end up buying anything!

Following this, I came home, and hung out here for a bit.  And then, went to mom's.  We went to Fudrucker's in Chambersburg, for the delish hamburgers!  And after I dropped her off I came back home and pretty much vegetated on the couch.  I went to bed a bit earlier than usual (930) and read before drifting off to sleep.

So I got up earlier than usual, went to bed earlier than usual, traveled 45 minutes to the south of my home and then 45 minutes to the north of my home, both times to eat.  A busy day, I would say.



Tam said...

I once flew from my small hometown to Winnipeg (6 hour drive) on a four seater. A sports car in the air. LOL And about as much room as in one. It was cool though. Sounds like a pretty good day.

Michelle M. said...

Fuddrucker's buns are the best.