Saturday, September 15, 2012

I predict a sunny day, full of light and sun....

So, I haven't posted too much about politics (unlike 2008, when every other day seemed to be one).  But this year, eh, not so much.  See, honestly, I'm disappointed in Obama, because I don't think he's done enough.  He's not been progressive enough.  I wish there had been another Democrat, a true left progressive for me to vote for.  But when my options come down to Obama and anyone from the clown-car-to-crazy-ville that WAS the 2012 Republican primary season....well that's a no brainer.

And now, the last one standing, the least nutty of all the nutbags (and just for shits and giggles, let's run through the lineup one last time.  Front-runners were, in the order I recall, Donald Trump, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich again, and then Rick "I've got my own UrbanDictionary entry (go look it up)" Santorum.) And after outlasting all those assorted knuckleheads (and knuckledraggers), we end up with the most reasonable sounding, and least able to rouse the passion of the Republican base, Mitt Romney.

Is is just me, or does he bear a striking resemblance to a young Thurston Howell III?

Seriously, people.  Any man who says, "Corporations are people too, my friend" and "My wife drives a couple of Cadillacs" and "I got several friends who are NASCAR owners" and who gets a $77,000 tax deduction for a horse in the Olympics while trying to cut taxes even further on millionaires and pay for them on the backs of the Middle Class average working man....any man who says and does those am I supposed to take him seriously as a candidate?

I'm not against the uber-rich.  God knows I love to find a cute, hot, rich young gay boy multi-millionaire who likes fat, old, hairy fags, marry him and live a life of luxury (ignoring for the moment, Mitt and the Republicans would deny me the right to do that).  But I'm against the arrogant wealthy.  Those the don't care about the common man.  Let's not forget, the Franklin Roosevelt AND John Kennedy both came from hordes of money.  But they didn't try to destroy the Middle Class so they could get more money.  They were good Democrats, and we just don't do that.  If a Democrat wants to do that, he usually becomes a Republican.

So yeah, I'll be voting for Obama in two months (assuming of course, the Republican state legislature and governor here in my state haven't found yet another way to change the rules to ensure I'm not able to do that).

And my prediction, not that anyone's asked, is in the popular vote, Obama wins it by 2-3% overall.  But popular votes don't matter (just ask Al Gore about that).  What matters is the Electoral College vote.  And by my learned calculation, it looks like this: Obama 332, Romney 206 (although if the Romney somehow gets the electoral votes from "Hanging Chad" Florida, then my count is Obama 303, Romney 235).

Click below for a visual representation of my prediction:

2012 Presidential Election: Electoral Map

Feel free to print it out and save it for Election Night to see how right, or wrong, I was.


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