Saturday, November 03, 2012


A few weeks ago I attended a wedding (you can read about some of it HERE).  I had to a smidge dressed up (despite the fact some guest showed up in, what I can only hope, was their 'good' blue jeans and flannel). I was gonna wear a tie, but then thought, eh hell why bother.  But I did take a pic of myself...I can clean up pretty nice, eh?

I had these ancient storm doors on both my front and back doors, and the front one had kinda broken so that I couldn't keep the screen or storm window in like it was supposed to be, I had to actually duct tape it in.  Seriously.  So I decided to just break down and get new and better storm doors.  I got them at Lowe's and had one of their contractors do the work.  The appointment was from Monday, but with Hurricane Sandy on the way, they had to reschedule.  To today.  I left for work with the crappy old doors on and returned with the new ones on when I got home!  See the difference?

Pretty spiffy, eh?
There's a bunny that lives in my back yard.  Back when I was preparing for the Hurricane, I made several trips out back to look at and put the sandbags around the window, and every time I went out, that rabbit kept running around not that far from me.  See below:

A old folk's home nearby had a Halloween party, and mom volunteered to help with it.  Of course she couldn't just 'help' with it.  She came to my house afterwards, and when I opened the door (this was the week before Halloween) she said, "Trick or Treat!" and looked like this:

What you can't see is she's all dressed in white, with a white bunny tail and white bow tie.  Yep, that's Mama Polt.  (And no, I'm fairly certain she is not the same rabbit that's running around my backyard)
HEY, Look what I found!

It's Ann Romney and Paul Ryan action figures!  I suppose they couldn't package the Mitt Romney doll with them, because they couldn't figure out which one to use: the Pro-Choice Mitt, the Anti-Abortion Mitt, the Tax Cuts For Everyone Mitt, the No Tax Cuts For Millionaires Mitt, etc, etc, etc....
Ya know, honestly, if zombies all looked as hot as this, the Zombie Apocalypse won't be so bad.

And I'd enjoy The Walking Dead all that much more! Yummy undead walkers....
And of course, the Obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy!



Michelle M. said...

Aw, how cute is Mama Polt!
Love the modern look of the new door.

Alex said...

Awww looking handsome! And OMG two cute bunnies :)

john said...