Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles....

Last night, I went to see Skyfall.

My take: I enjoyed it, as I do nearly all James Bond flicks.  But it wasn't the best.  The longer the movie went, the less I seemed to like it.

It started out amazingly.  Great new secondary character introduced, a woman who can hold her own and isn't a damsel in distress.  But it's got a great car chase, a train, physical actions, gun fire, motorcycles, blood shed, and construction equipment.  The movie takes us from Istanbul to London to Shanghai to Macau to London to Scotland, with beautiful scenery throughout.

The villain is a thinly disguised gay or perhaps bisexual man.  And this doesn't bother me at all, although he was a smidge too stereotypical.  He was over the top, but then most Bond villains are, so I overlooked what could have, if done differently, been offensive.  And this led to a pretty funny scene with Bond tied to a chair and the villain...caressing him.

The movie, as it went on, seemed a bit too...self-indulgent.  The plot wasn't so much an earth-shattering plot of epic proportions, but in the end, a story of revenge that ended in perhaps too many pointless explosions and fire and stuff.  It seemed more like a Die Hard/Schwartzanegger/Stallone time of stupid, vapid, 'action hero' kind of thing, rather than a Bond movie.  But I overlooked this too, in the end.

And best of all, there were several shirtless Daniel Craig scenes.  And really, no movie can have TOO many of those.  And the theme, sung by Adele, is, in my opinion, the best Bond song since Miss Shirley Bassey's Goldfinger theme some 50 years ago.

Overall, I give it a B-.    See it, if you're inclined to do so, I dont think you'll be disappointed.


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