Sunday, November 18, 2012

So this was my Saturday yesterday.  (Normally, I don't do a whole lot on Saturdays, yesterday was an exception).

On the way to work, first thing, before even my first cup of coffee, I was involved in an accident.  I was in the right turn lane, passing a car in the middle lane, and the driver of that car decided to merge into my lane.  And right into me.

Neither of us were hurt, both cars were able to be driven from the scene.  The back of my car, near the driver's rear tire, is scraped up and scratched.  That's it.  And it's clearly her fault, so her insurance will have to pay for everything.

I kinda felt bad for her, cause she had only had her license for about two weeks.  And she was near tears the whole time.  Luckily, her grandmother worked in a store nearby, so she went and got her and she came over. I said there was no need for the cops, but the car belonged to the girl's mother, and when they called her, since she wasn't at the scene, she wanted a report.  So we called the cops.

Surprisingly, it didn't take him long to get there, nor was he a dick, like most state police are.  He was pretty polite and pleasant actually.  And in the end, I was only 30 minutes late for work.

At work, it wasn't a bad day overall, except that several clients were overly whiny, and I had about zero compassion that day, and didn't care. At all.  I did leave work early, though as planned.

After work, I went with mom, and her cousin, to see my cousin's son play in his PeeWee football league championship.  It was played in the local high school football stadium.  And it was fun.  There were two teams of 8 & 9 year olds playing against each other.  It was fun watching them play the game.  In the end, my cousin's team, the Broncos, won the game 20-0, and also the championship.  Lots of cheering was heard.  And while we watched, I had fun talking to all kinds of relatives that had shown up to see it.  Lots of fun, and chilly.

Following this I went to The ParisPekings.  There, I entertained the little ones, drank two glasses of delicious wine, consumed pork roast, baked potatos, salad, baked veggies, and stuffing.  Then, after the girls went to bed, we watched "The Campaign", which was simply stupid and just barely entertaining, which is what I said it would be.

I supposed to pick up Kris after work to come over and spend the night.  But he called me about 830 and said he was having a horrible day and didn't feel like talking to or being around anyone when he got off work.  Which i understood.  So when I was done at the ParisPekings, I came home.  I watched some tv, putzed around online and then went to bed after SNL.

Day started out disappointing, and ended that way as well.  On the upside, today started out rather well, so hopefully it ends that way.  We'll see.



Michelle M. said...

What a bummer about the car. Glad it wasn't more serious, though.

Glad you saved me from watching the Campaign - we almost rented it the other night.

I thought about you when I watched the SNL Avengers skit.

Alex said...

Aww :( Big hugs...I know what a pain accidents can be. Hope your car gets repaired soon.