Friday, November 02, 2012

Today, I only worked half a day.  Yesterday before leaving work, I could see there were 6 new clients we'd have to deal with today, and that didn't even count the other clients that might come in before we got back to work today.  And since I knew I was going to be only working half a day and the other guys in our department has Friday's off, that would leave just the one coworker there all by herself for half a day, and when we were probably gonna be pretty busy.  So, I decided I'd just go in early.

Luckily, for whatever reason, I was pretty tired last night.  So I actually went to bed at 8:40!  And I', pretty sure I turned out the light before 9:30.  And man, did I sleep!  And I somehow managed to get my sorry tired ass up in time to work by 7:20.  Who the hell knew?

And yeah, we were busy today.  I ended up intaking 7 clients just myself, before I left.  I know my coworker did about the same, although I have no idea how much she did after I left.  Guess I'll find out when I get there tomorrow.

So at noon, I left.  Kris and I had made plans this afternoon to move his stuff out of his grandma's house and into the apartment's he's got.  And that we did, making two trips from one end of town to the other.  We also went to Goodwill to look for a few things, and went to eat at the huge buffet at Ryan's.  Then we returned to the apartment for about an hour and a half of cuddling and an attempt at bedtimesexxyfun that ended up in laughter and giggling.  It was silly, but fun.

So it was a busy day at first, then a fun one later on. And I got to meet Kris' grandma, who's quite a lady.  I laughed at, or I should say, with her.  Funny lady.


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