Thursday, November 08, 2012

If you're on my list, it's only a matter of time (Part 17)...


With all that's been going on this week, I totally forgot to send out the 10 Questions (sorry next recipient, you'll get them next week).  On Election Night, Ghostie came over to watch the returns with me, and he graciously agreed to do this week's 10 Questions.  So without further ado, I give you...


1. What is on the stand next to your bed right now?
Comic books, about 20 of them, I'm a little bit behind.
2.What is one thing you would NEVER do, no matter what?
Oh geez, I got no
3. What color looks best on you?
4. Would you want to be on the next trip to the space station?
Yes...course, it would  be the Russians flying and that would scare me a little bit.
5. When was the last time you vomited?
About two years ago. A cold.
6. When was the first time you voted and who did you vote for?
2000, and I voted to John Kerry. (I then told him Kerry didn't run in 2000).  Oh, oh yeah.  Gore, I meant Gore.
7. Which character in The Lord Of The Rings saga are you most similar to?
Probably Gimli.  Cause he's laid back, proudful, doesn't want to ask for help.  Doesn't like being tossed but is willing to ask for an assist in order to help others. "Toss me."
8. How many tattoos do you have and want?
Zero and would  like to have one, but no what of, but I know where, my shoulder.
9. Can you poop in a public restroom or are you poop-shy?
I can but prefer not to, because of a lack of magazines.
10. Batman vs Captain America: who would win?
Batman, no one can beat Batman.

There now we all know Ghostie just a lil bit better.



Tam said...

Good answer for #2.

Michelle M. said...

I would think white would be the best color for Ghostie...

*10) except for Superman, of course.