Friday, November 16, 2012

Okay, look, I'm not a Scrooge.  I'm not a Grinch.  I do not spend the whole holiday season saying, "Humbug!"  I like Christmas.  I get in the Christmas spirit and enjoy listening to the music, seeing the decorations, wat8thhing the TV specials, everything.

But at the appropriate time!

One does not send a Valentine's Day car on January 7th.  One does not set off red, white and blue fireworks on May 28th.  One does not drink green St. Patrick's Day beer on February 10th.  We do not dress in costumes and go door to door asking for candy on September 24th.

So why in GOD'S name do we start doing all the Christmas the week before Thanksgiving???  Or before?

I've seen Christmas TV Commercials before election day.  Today, a week before Thanksgiving, two, count 'em TWO, local radio stations have gone ALL Christmas music ALL THE TIME.


Thankfully, I haven't seen a whole lot of Christmas decorations yet.  But seriously, the music and TV ads are just annoying.

I can't wait for Thanksgiving.  Cause then, it's appropriate for all this shit to be happening.  And I'll no longer be annoyed.  I hope.



Anonymous said...

It's the retailers trying to capture more sales. Me, I gave up years ago. We don't even put up a tree anymore.

It kind of goes along with my atheism.

Michelle M. said...

Last week someone a street down from us put up their Christmas lights. Sigh.