Monday, November 26, 2012

Somebody in here, it's your birthday...

So, you may or may not have heard that yesterday, November 25th, was my birthday.  How WAS my birthday?  Pretty damn nifty, actually.

I slept in a bit, then putzed around on the computer.  I showered, dressed, and headed over to the ParisPeking household.  There I picked up A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking, and we headed off to Frederick.  There, we ate at aka Friscos.  Since it was my birthday, he bought my lunch.  I feasted on a delicious ham and cheese sub and bowl of chili, and feasted my eyes on the delicious employees that work there.

Then we went to Barnes & Noble, where I browsed the store for over a half hour buying three books in the end. I also got to talk to Mama and Big Joe, two people that worked with ALCMDPP and I when we both worked a Borders!  What fun that was.

Then we went to a local movie theater to see "Lincoln".  But the matinee prices for regular seats were $10.  We felt that was too much.  So we headed back towards this way.  We went to the Leitersburg Theaters, where they have the VIP seating (big, wide, comfy, stuffed seats that recline and have drink holders in the arms).  The VIP seating for the matinee was only $7!  Good call on our part.

The movie was long, slow, and plodding, kinda like I think Lincoln himself was, but I quite enjoyed it nonetheless.  But then I love history, and Presidential history even moreso.  Not sure that most people would like it, but it IS a good movie.

Following the movie, I came home here and hung out for a bit, watching some football, and snacking some.  At the appropriate time, I went to pick up Kris at his work.  We came back here, watched The Walking Dead, talked a bit afterwards, and then went to bed.  There, we talked some more, cuddled, and had a good time before turning out the light and going to sleep a bit after midnight.

(continuing to today, we woke up late morning, had some bedtimesexxyfun, showered, and headed out.  We went to Kohls so I could get a few things, then to the Olive Garden for lunch.  I then dropped him off at his apartment and returned home here to do some laundry and blob around doing nothing)

So, what did I GET for my birthday?

A new George Foreman-esque grill and some purple duct tape (love Mama Polt!).

TWO  homemade Boston Creme Pies! (love Mama Polt even more!)

Kris in my bed overnight.

Nine birthday cards in the mail, five Happy Birthday Facebook Messages, and 69 Happy Birthday wishes on my Facebook timeline.

As I said, all in all, a pretty good day.



Michelle M. said...

Sleeping in, books and movies and friends are a great way to spend a birthday.

Those George Foreman(esque) grills are great. I don't know why we don't use ours more often.

Glad you had a happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Oh crap - a belated Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good time.

I too saw Lincoln the day before my birthday. I thought it was a very good movie and the timing of it's premier is fantastic, especially in light of all this secession baloney.