Monday, April 22, 2013


Mom and I this morning did some work on the front garden.   We shoveled out all the little white stones that had been there since I was bought the place into buckets (well she did the shoveling) and I carried the buckets around back to my parking space and put them all there.  I had a guy put a bunch of stones down in the yard when I bought the place, but since that was over three years ago, the space needed a few more stones.  And now it has them.

Only problems is, now my shoulders are in pain..  And I just don't want to imagine how they'll be tomorrow when I wake up.  And mom said she was going to take a nap this afternoon cause it tired her out too.  Totally understandable.  But at least it's done now.  Next step, at some point the near future, is get some mulch and put the flowers down.
A few weeks ago, I got a notice from the Boro that I had to cut the tree that overhangs the alley so that all the limbs were 16 feet off the ground.  So mom has this pole that's like ten feet tall with a limb clipper on the end.  She brought that down in her car.  Then, later, she went back to her house to get a ten foot ladder to reach some other limbs.

So when we got everything done, we loaded the car back up...with the cutter thing going from the trunk, through the backseat and sticking out the front passenger's window, and the ladder sticking out the back of the trunk. She didn't want to make more than one trip.  I had to get a pic:

And that's the way she drove home.  Luckily, she lives less than a five minute drive away.
Nearly everytime I go out to the back for any reason (like to get into my car, take a walk, etc), I see quick movement.  It's a bunny who's living back there.  Today, I managed to get a photo of him:

This may be the same one that was there last year, cause he's bigger than the one last year.  But who knows?  As neighbors go, though, he's pretty quiet.
Here in Pennsylvania, we have elections every year.  This year, there are minor offices up for election, one of which is Tax Collector.  The man currently holding that job is retiring and not running again.  Among the people running in the primaries is Michael F.  I went to elementary and then againg high school with him.  Another person running is Kara G.  I went to middle school and high school with her.  So, if they both win the primaries in the fall, there may be two people I graduated with running for the same office.  Both of them have never run for office before, and honestly I would never have expected either of them to run ever for office.  Neither really seemed to be the politics type.  Nor did either one then seemed to be the type to be interested in politics.  I guess you never know.
And finally, the Obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy!



Anonymous said...

Wait, wait. The boro has rules for foliage overhang? Damn!

Not sure if Providence has any ordinances like that because even if we do it's not enforced. Kind of like the snow law.

Michelle M. said...

Wow - Mama Polt sure is handy. You should rent her out and make some $!