Monday, April 15, 2013

I actually had a few things I was thinking of posting tonight, but instead, let's all just turn our thoughts to Boston.



Anonymous said...

Mmm - this morning I was heading to work in Needham. Now my commute takes me THROUGH the Back Bay section of Boston.

I get to the Copley T Station and the doors are locked. Try the one across the street, same thing. The Green Line was NOT running at 7:40 this morning. So I turned around and took the next commuter train back.

So something seems very suspicious to me.

Polt said...

Perhaps they shut that particular line down because of the marathon? I know when big things are going on in DC, they close some stations, re-route things.

At 7:40, I'm sure it was nothing connected to the bombing at 2:55 pm.