Thursday, April 18, 2013

I've got books filling my shelves day and night...

So, Monday I had my doctor's appointment.  Good news: HIV negative again this year.  Bad news: A1C rose from 7.9 to 8.4.  Just about as bad as I expected it to.  And since it had been two years, she had them do an EKG, and everything was fine there too.  Blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides...everything was acceptable.  Just the damn blood sugar.  Well, need to work on that, obviously.

After this, my buddy from work, Ryan and his friend (who I've known as well for a few years) Dan, went to Frederick MD to eat, once again, at akaFriscos.  Yeah yeah, I know, have a large sub (and chili) just hours after being told my doctor to watch my carb and sugar intake is rather...counterproductive.  But it was akaFriscos, for God's sake!!!  Surely their deliciousness surely is an exception!

Then we visited Beyond Comics there where I spend way too much money on graphic novels.  And then to Barnes & Noble, where I spent more money on books and other things.  Other things like THIS:

Yes it IS in fact a collection of all eleven Doctors in miniature! In a TARDIS shaped box!  Something I didn't need, at a price I shouldn't have spent....but what the hell, are you my accountant?  I wanted them I got them.  So there.

So I'll update my Books Of The Year List...but wont include the graphic novels...cause they're not book-books, they're....graphic novels.

The yearly totals so far are: 

Jan 27: 4 books for $49.71, average $12.43 per book.
Jan 30: 4 books for $13.14, average $3.29 per book.
          Total: 8 books for $62.85, average $7.86 per book.
Feb 10: 9 books for $119.25, average $13.25 per book.
          Total: 17 books for $182.10, average $10.71 per book
Mar 03: 2 books for $26.78, avearge $13.39 per book
          Total: 19 books for $208.88, average $10.99 per book
Mar 17: 3 books for $9.97, average $3.32 per book
          Total: 22 books for $218.85, average $9.95 per book.
April 9: 4 books for $28.55, average $7.14 per book
          Total: 26 books for $247.40, average $9.52 per book.
April 15: 2 books for $35.97, average $17.99 per book.
          Total: 28 books for $283.37, average $10.12 per book.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Toys and books. I approve!