Monday, April 29, 2013

SO yeah, I had my eye appointment today.  The doctor said my vision is basically the same and I wouldn't need new glasses.  She said my reading visions has gotten a little worse, which I knew, but my distance vision stayed the same.  And since I've been taking off my glasses to read for years, she said right now I can continue to do that.  Next year, if it continues to deteriorate, I may need new ones then.  On the plus side, she said no glaucoma, and she put the dilating drops in my eyes and after looking in them, said everything was good that way.  So it was good news all around.

Afterwards, I went to Hagerstown for a booty call, which went great as it always does with this particular guy.  And then I got some lunch to take and eat and home.  And after eating it, I threw some laundry in the washer.  Then I laid on the couch and watched some movie on TV whose title I've already forgotten.  And napped a bit while doing so.

And I dont intend on doing too much more tonight either.  It's raining outside so I'm sure I wont be taking a walk like I should.  But whatever, everyone's entitled to a day off every now and again, right?


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