Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dead Or Alive Results!!!

Bob Newhart is, as of today, still alive.  But I make no guarantees about tomorrow.

Also, after 50 of these, I think I'm gonna give Dead Or Alive? a rest.  I'm sure I'll come back to it sometime in the future, but for now, maybe I'll think of something else.  In the meantime, thanks to everyone who played along, even those who cheated...shame be upon you and your descendants for 50 generations.


Adam: 5/o
Alex: 7/-2
Almost Fresh Meat: 1/0
Amie: 37.5/-5
FDot: 0?/4
Felix Lee:  0/-1
Harry M.: 0/-1
john: 18/-3
Jordan Castillo Price: 1
A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking: 1/-2
Marcus Veyera/Somewhere: 2/-1
Mark: 18/-9
Michelle M.: 31.5/-11
Mikey: 6/-6
Paul: 3/0
Ryan: 7/-4
StratCat: 2/0
Tam: 24.5/-20
truthspew: 32/-2


"Bah humbug", no that's too strong, cause it's my favorite holiday.....

So, today is the Third Anniversary of the Puntabupoolparty of 2010.  (you can read my posts about it HERE).  Three  It doesn't seem that long ago.

So what, to my own limited knowledge, have the people there done since then?  Let's find out.

Craiggers got a house and a cat of his own.
Craiggers' sister Amanda married her girlfriend in Cancun.
Craiggers' parents (Patricia and Sonny) now have the house ALL to themselves.
Tam has become the Canadian Norma Rae.
Tam's Kidlette, Kristen, graduated school and is preparing to start college in, I think Vancouver.
They both have traveled extensively through the US and Canada.
Michelle & Harry now have a entire FLOCK of birds living with them.
Justin has Alan.
Nathan graduated college and is soon on his way to Japan!
FDot has been to the ocean several times, to Colorado at least once, and I think, although I may be mistaken, was in California for a trip as well.
VUBOQ changed his job and moved through several more letters of the alphabet.
Chris D. got even more involved in all his activities and kinda disappeared from the blogsphere.
Paul has changed jobs, visited me twice at my house and been to DC Pride twice.
Enrico graduated college and now has a job with a view from his office of the Empire State Building.
Josh and David P. split up.  Josh now has a new man and they are currently traveling along the West Coast.  David P. got anther job and is still involved heavily in the theater.
Mikey met and married Ty.
Adam met and got engaged to Mr. Sombrero.
Jere graduated law school and is now working on all kinds of civil rights activities.

And me?, not so much.  I still have the same house, the same job (with a view of a metal door in a concrete block hallway), I am not married, engaged or even dating, I have not traveled anywhere...Toronto probably forgets what I look like.  So BAH!

Oh Bossy Know-It-All Coworker did retire, so work has improved 1000% fold...but thats not something I DID....just something that happened to me.

And since then, yes, I DID meet Kris, but I dont really know what we ever WERE, much less what we are now (if anything) and what we'll be in the future.  And yeah, there was Angel for a few weeks, and Sean for a month or two in the summer of 2011.  And there is Louis, who I like a lot, but with him in DC and me here, really...what's gonna happen there.

So....yeah, like I said....BAH.  I mean I'm glad for everyone else!  But it just seems like I've been stagnant.  I'm not really unhappy, honestly, but I'm a bit...underwhelmed at my last three years when comparing it to everyone else.

Ah summarize: everyone else has had an exciting amazing time since the Puntabupoolparty (to varying degrees) and me, no not really.  But I'm still happy with my life.  More or less.



Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 285)...

Wifebeater Wednesdays

This week: Black Guys In Wifebeater Hoodies.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A dragon backpack, she can heal you....

For years, I've been taking a backpack to work, to carry...well whatever I need to carry into work.  I also take it with me when I go to Toronto or elsewhere on vacation.

Back sometime before my last trip to Toronto, which was in April 2009.  I did love the backpack: it had two large pockets one in front of the other, each with their own zippers, and a nice pocket in the front that could hold my pills, oatmeal packets, phone, etc, etc.  But, as it was an older backpack, well, it started showing its age.  The straps got worn and started fraying.  And then last month...the zipper on the front pocket broke and wouldnt move.  (insert frowny face here)

So, of course I had to get another one.  Off to Wal-Mart I went.  And I found they only had ONE type of all black backpack.  So i bought it.  For only $8.88 dollars.  Course, I HATED it.  It only had one large pocket. It had two pockets on the front, one atop the other, but to lock the zippers you had to pull them all the way across the top of each pocket and down one side to the bottom of the pocket.  Wha?  I couldn't leave the zipper un-zipped cause things would roll out.  And it was just of a.....lower crappy quality than I was used to.  So after struggling with it for a few days, maybe a week, I just had to get another one.

So when I was Target with mom, I found one, and bought it.  This one was $14.99.  It was of much better quality. It only has one large pocket and one small pocket on the front, and I'm okay with that cause both of them zipper properly (just across the top, not down the side), and have enough room for all my needs!  So now, I'm happy once again.

The first, good old backpack....ah, the memories.

The cheap, crappy Wal-Mart backpack.

And my current one...yay.


The back of your hand, somewhere on my behind (Part 171)...

Tooshie Tuesdays

This week, Black Tooshies In Hoodies.


Monday, July 29, 2013

You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 414)...


This week we have Hot Shirtless Black Guys In Hoodies.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

At the P.T.A., he's the principal of principles....

I just found out through Facebook that Mr. Barlup died today.

I don't expect any of you reading this to know him.  He was the principal of the local high school while I attended it.  I didn't have any contact with him while I was in school (I was a good student).  I chuckled a bit inside whenever I saw him, because he always reminded me of Henry Kissinger, of all people.  Anyway... 

In 1984, I went on a 30 day trip of Europe with the school.  There were about 20-25 of us students that went along, our chaperons were the Spanish teacher (whose name I can't remember at the moment), and Mr. Barlup and his wife.  I had a bout of horrible homesickness after roughly two weeks on the trip.  I spoke to the Barlups about it, and after talking with them, and a phone call home to mom, I felt better.  I was more comfortable talking to Mrs. Barlup than him, but he was there too helping.

Years after I graduated, he became mayor of my town for over 15 years.  During this time period, I was judge of elections in my voting precinct, and every election, he'd stop in to see how it was going and if we were busy and how we were doing.  He was a regular presence twice year, every year.

I hadn't seen him in years actually.  And I never felt particularly close to him.  But I always respected him, and still do.  Can't even call him anything other than MISTER Barlup.

Anyway, Rest In Peace, Mr. Barlup.  And my deepest sympathies to his family and friends.


Let's get unconscious honey (Part 369)...


These come each week from

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Packing :: Peanuts
  2. Rent :: "Light My Candle"
  3. Inspire :: Leader
  4. Anti-social :: Congressional Republicans
  5. Common :: Middle Class
  6. Repeats :: Reruns
  7. Dracula :: Vampire
  8. Cross :: Holy
  9. Short sighted :: Congressional Republicans
  10. Corrupt :: Michelle Bachmann


Drive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Part 337)...

Superman Sundays

This week, just a random hot guy with a Superman sticker on his mirror.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

I've got books filling my shelves, day and night....

Been slacking again on these.

Jan 27: 4 books for $49.71, average $12.43 per book.
Jan 30: 4 books for $13.14, average $3.29 per book.
          Total: 8 books for $62.85, average $7.86 per book.
Feb 10: 9 books for $119.25, average $13.25 per book.
          Total: 17 books for $182.10, average $10.71 per book
Mar 03: 2 books for $26.78, avearge $13.39 per book
          Total: 19 books for $208.88, average $10.99 per book
Mar 17: 3 books for $9.97, average $3.32 per book
          Total: 22 books for $218.85, average $9.95 per book.
April 9: 4 books for $28.55, average $7.14 per book
          Total: 26 books for $247.40, average $9.52 per book.
April 15: 2 books for $35.97, average $17.99 per book.
          Total: 28 books for $283.37, average $10.12 per book.
April 28: 3 books for $10.47, average $3.49 per book.
          Total: 31 books for $293.84, average $9.48 per book.
May 18: 3 books for $15.47, average $5.16 per book.
          Total: 34 books for $309.31, average $9.10 per book.
June 10: 3 books for $35.85, average $11,95.
         Total: 37 books for $345.16, average $9.33 per book.
June 17: 1 book for $13.59.
         Total: 38 books for $358.75, average of $9.44 per book.
July 2: 3 books for $35.85, average $11.95.
         Total: 41 books for $394.60, average of $9.62 per book.
July 15: 3 books for 11.59, average $3.86 per book.
         Total: 44 books for $406.19, average of $9.23 per book.
July 20: 3 books for $37.41, average of $12.47 per book.
         Total: 47 books for $443.60, average of $9.44 per book.
July 22: 1 book for $1.99.
         Total: 48 books for $445.59, average of $9.28 per book.


My baby's got a secret (Part 220)...

Secret Saturdays

These come each week from

And no theme this week, just random Secrets.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Cutting up my words before I speak....

One of my comic book geek friends (well he's not much a geek, but he does know his way around a comic book or two) had a photo up on Facebook about a gift he was wrapping for, I presume, his son.  He was wrapping it up in Avenger's paper.  Upon closer inspection, however, it looked to me like comic book pages!  See for yourself:

When I asked about it, he said it was, but it was old stuff, books from the 25 bins, and things that were falling apart.  After I 'clutched the pearls' and fanned myself to keep from passing out, I had to scold him forcefully.  Destroying comic books by cutting them to pieces!  My stars!

All comic book geeks worth the name know that the ONLY way to properly dispose of old comic books is to burn them, like one does with old flags. I mean come ON, you certainly wouldn't cut up a USA flag and wrap a gift up with the remains, now would you?

this whole experience brought back something from my past.  I can vividly remember cutting up the cover of an old Avengers comic book and taping the remains (shudder), the characters and such all over the refrigerator.  In my defense, the book (below) was in 1974, which would have made me 6 years old.  What did I know?

I can still see Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, and Captain America taped up on the green fridge with those yellow thingees taped up around them.  *SIGH*  oh the folly of youth.


Some boys kiss me some boys hug me (Part 279)...

Frenching Fridays

This week, no theme, just random kisses.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

A people, a tongue and a nation (Part 61)...

Luscious Licks

No theme, just randomness.

A pushup, a tongue....and just a hint of the naked bum as well...


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 38)...

Superhero Anydays

This week, no theme, just randomness.

That package...those thighs...niiiiiiiice.......


Get up and move it, to the music (Part 68)...


This week, no theme, just a random Motivation.


Keep it together, all in the family (Part 7)...

Gemini Guys

This week, not theme, just randomness.

Bronze twins, granted, but twins!


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 50)...

Fetching Faces

This week, just a random face.

Sexy hairthing, stubble and eyes.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Let me make sure I understand this: According to some...

1) If you text photos of your penis to a woman you are flirting with online (which, as long as she's over the age of 18, and does not have a restraining order against you, is NOT an illegal act) even though you are married, well then that makes you ineligible to be the mayor of New York City.  BUT....

2) If you are a sitting governor and you use taxpayer funds to fly to South America to be with your mistress (which, improper use of public funds is a crime) even though you are married and you lie to your wife and entire staff about where you are, well then, you are allowed to complete your term as governor and then even be elected to US House Of Representives a few years later.  AND...

3) If you are a sitting US Senator and you use the services of a high level escort numeous times (which, is prostitution, and which is illegal where the actions were done), even though you are married, well then that allows you to remain a US Senator from Lousiana, and even be reelected more than once after it all comes out.

SO, what's the difference about these three scenarios?  Well, nothing illegal was done in #1, and something illegal was done in #s 2 & 3.  What else is different about the three.  Hmm...let me see......oh I KNOW!  #1 involves a Democrat while the other two both involve Republicans.

I'm not saying any of these actions is worse than the other, I'm not saying any one of the politicians is better than the other.  But what I am pointing out, is that according to Republicans, all of this is true: they say Weiner needs to drop out of the NYC race, but they're prefectly content with Sanford in the House and Vitter still in the Senate. 

And further, what I'm pointing out, is that is yet another example of the sheer, bald-faced, hypocracy of the Republican Party.  I will never comprehend how the party of "Family Values" continues to put people like these in office!


Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 284)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays

This week no theme, just total randomness.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Well you're a good boy....

Well THAT didn't take long, eh?


The back of your hand, somewhere on my behind (Part 170)...

Tooshie Tuesdays

This week, no theme, just randomness.


Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm leaving, on a jet plane, dont know when I'll be back again....

Two of my cousins, their mother, and the 7 year old son of one of them are taking a trip to England, to spend at least a week, possibly two (I forget) visiting friends and touring the country.

They were to leave Harrisburg Airport today at 1:30 and fly to Dulles airport outside DC.  They had an hour delay in Harrisburg, but still got to Dulles in time.  Their flight from Dulles to Heathrow was to leave at 5:30.  Two minutes before they were to take off, they were told to disembark.  There was a fuel leak over one of the wings, so they had to empty to entire plane of people AND luggage, empty all the fuel out, figure out what the problem is, fix it, load it with fuel and then load the people.

As of ten minutes ago, when my cousin got off the phone with my mom, no one had yet reboarded the plane!

My cousin said they made the announcement that the plane should be ready to leave in an hour, BUT according to her, it takes longer than that just to get everyone and all the luggage back on the plane.

My cousin said there are people there waiting with them who was supposed to be on a flight to London LAST NIGHT, but there was a problem with the plane, so the airline put them up in a hotel overnight, and got them on THIS plane.  That's now delayed nearly four hours.

And when my cousin hung up, she said her mother and sister were on their back to her carrying three day food vouchers, or something.  She said that didn't sound like it was a good thing.

I haven't flown very much (twice to England, once to the Bahamas, once to Canada), but I never had anything like this!  And thank God I didn't!  Man, this would just drive me freaking NUTS!  I hope they get there sometime...well, soonish.


You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 413)...

Monday's Hot Shirtless Guy Photos

This week, no theme, just random Hot Shirtless Guys.

Those are some freakin' yummy nipples on the last guy there, just sayin.....