Thursday, July 11, 2013

We, of course, took the family photos, that were put out to the trash....

The whole time I've been at my job, I've been working with this really nice older lady there.  We get along great.  Back 12 or 13 years ago, her son, daughter-in-law and their two kids were going to be in the area visiting her.  And since she talked to me a lot about her son, and apparently talked a lot about me to them, she wanted to stop by and have us meet.  Which we all did, it was a pleasant visit.

Her oldest grandson, A, was about 3, I think, and the youngest, D, was probably 1, still in diapers certainly.  I'm not sure even how it came about, but at some point, I had A & D both sitting on my knees and she snapped a photo of us.  Kept a copy in her office, she'd bring it out occasionally and we'd laugh.

Cut to today.  Her son, daughter-in-law and their now 4 kids were on their through the area and were going to visit her tonight.  Previously, one of them had mentioned they wanted to see inside the place we work.  She had mentioned this to me about three weeks ago, and I told her I'd be glad to take them on a tour.  I mean, over the years, I've taken two cousins and perhaps a dozen friends on tours of it.  So she got it all set up before they got there.

When they arrived, the tour commenced.  It was in fact a lot of fun.  And the kids, and their parents, seemed interested in the what was going on and stuff.  But when it was over, my co-worker said she'd already told them we had to re-enact that photo, 12 or 13 years later.

So, we shuffled off to a chair, the boys sat on my lap, the two new kids B and O sat on either of me.  And D even started sucking his thumb like in the original picture.  And they took a new one.  Pretty funny I thought.

Here are the two photos:

2000 or 2001


It's amazing how big the boys have gotten.  And me?  Well, I'm about 50 pounds lighter and a great deal grayer.  But all in all, i think we look okay.

Another coworker of mine, upon seeing the photos said, "You guys will have to reenact it again in another 12 years!"  And I laughed, "Right! They'll be in their mid to late 20's and I'll be damn near 60!  I'm not sure my knees would be able to hold them!"


1 comment:

john said...

I think you actually look a little younger in some ways in the new pic.