Saturday, July 13, 2013

The newest addition to the bad boy family....

Back over Christmas, my youngest cousin, Faith, informed us that she and her husband were expecting!  After all the congratulations were offered, I was speaking to them and told them that Polt* and Poltette* are really good names for a kid.

*Obviously that's NOT the name I used, I used my real one.  Anywhere else in this post where there are asterisks, it will not be the real name either.

Earlier in the spring I found out they were having boy and insisted again that Polt would be a great name for a kid!  And at Easter, they said they had a name picked out, but they weren't going to tell anyone what it was until he was born.  And I again told them Lil Polt would be a great name for a lil kid!

A few weeks back, mom was up at their place and she called me for something.  I asked how Faith and the baby was doing and mom said they were both doing well, but Faith was HUGE!  Well only being ten days from her due date, she was supposed to be huge right?  And to prove it, they texted me a photo of her.

Huge indeed.

Two weeks ago, she gave birth.  And they named him John Polt Smith!  Yep, they made his middle name the same as my name!  It also happens to be his father's middle name, but I KNOW they named him that for me, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Anyway, the proud papa has been posting photos of  the little ankle-biter online, like this one:

Mom and I had been planning on making a trip up to see them, probably next month.  Just to give them all time to settle in and get in a routine and stuff.  And then, today, mom called me at work, all excited.  They had come to town here, mainly to take Lil Polt to see MY grandmother (she's 89 and in frail health and could never have made the trip to the Harrisburg area to see them), but since they were in town, they were gonna show him off to a few other people before heading back up home.

So right after work, I went to my aunt's (mom's sister/Faith's mother/Lil Polt's granmother) house.  And got to see and hold Lil Polt in person for a bit before mom arrived and I had to relinquish him to her.  I did get to hold him again later.

See, here is mom and the little guy:

And this is me with my namesake:

Can't wait to see him again!


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