Friday, July 26, 2013

Cutting up my words before I speak....

One of my comic book geek friends (well he's not much a geek, but he does know his way around a comic book or two) had a photo up on Facebook about a gift he was wrapping for, I presume, his son.  He was wrapping it up in Avenger's paper.  Upon closer inspection, however, it looked to me like comic book pages!  See for yourself:

When I asked about it, he said it was, but it was old stuff, books from the 25 bins, and things that were falling apart.  After I 'clutched the pearls' and fanned myself to keep from passing out, I had to scold him forcefully.  Destroying comic books by cutting them to pieces!  My stars!

All comic book geeks worth the name know that the ONLY way to properly dispose of old comic books is to burn them, like one does with old flags. I mean come ON, you certainly wouldn't cut up a USA flag and wrap a gift up with the remains, now would you?

this whole experience brought back something from my past.  I can vividly remember cutting up the cover of an old Avengers comic book and taping the remains (shudder), the characters and such all over the refrigerator.  In my defense, the book (below) was in 1974, which would have made me 6 years old.  What did I know?

I can still see Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, and Captain America taped up on the green fridge with those yellow thingees taped up around them.  *SIGH*  oh the folly of youth.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Clutching your pearls and "My stars!". I'm tickled!