Monday, July 15, 2013

Mockingbird goes, tweet, tweet, tweet....

Yesterday, I was on Twitter and I noticed two things.

Firstly, over in the sidebar, they had listed some suggestions of people I might want to follow.  The three they listed consisted of a Democratic politican, a black gay porn star, and a comic book artist.  I was frankly a bit frightened at how well Twitter knows me.  This lead right to the second thing.

Naturally, when given the choices listed above, I clicked on the black gay porn star first.  I've seen a few movie clips with him in them, and he is pretty  impressive.  And a particular part of him is even MORE impressive.  But I digress...

Anyways, when I got to his profile, he had a TON of photos and a few videos there.  I didn't watch any of the video clips, but did check out a bunch of the photos.  Apparently, this black gay porn star works in a factory making some kind of food because he has to wear a hairnet, a hard hat on top of it, and a mask.  And had comments about all the flour he had to move, or deal with or whatever.  Also, he has a young son, a little cutie pie that might have been three in the photos.  And he comes from a large family, cause there were pictures of some get together, perhaps Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever, and there were TONS of plates of all different kinds of food and at least twenty people sitting around a table.  And he likes to go out to clubs with two of his friends and apparently the women are all over him, which isn't surprising, cause I DID mention above he's pretty impressive.

I found all this a little strange.  Because 1), I never think of the people in porn that I watch as anything other than guys doing porn. I mean, I guess I knew in the back of my head they had lives outside of porn, but it never occurred to me really.  Kinda like actors in TV and movies.  I understand Matt Smith has a life outside or Doctor Who, but I never really think what he does when he's not in front of the camera.  That sorta thing.  And 2) I found it strange that he would put all those photos under his gay porn name.  I would think, would I to be a gay porn star (in some alternate universe where everything is crazy, insane, and the opposite of what's normal here), that I might have a Twitter account for my 'on screen' personality, and then another one for my personal life and friends.  And I wouldn't think I'd want to two to mix.  I just find it strange that someone wouldn't care that they DID mix.

As well, to each their own.  I wouldn't mix my profiles, but then I'd never do gay porn either.  And the world's only a better place because of it.


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