Tuesday, July 02, 2013

What else should I be? All apologies.....

Well, sorry for the delays.

Everything was going well Saturday night, but it all fell apart Sunday.  Sunday later morning into the afternoon, I spent with mom taking care of some business.  I was home less than an hour when I got a call. It was from a fuckbuddy who I haven't been with in at least two years and haven't spoken to in over a year.  But he called me out of the blue and asked to come over.  And so, five hours and many bedtimesexxyfuns later, he left.  But by that time, it was after 10:00.  And unlike most Mondays, I had to work the next day.  So I only had time to update the Gay Guys From History (since it was the last day of June) and then went to bed.

I didn't sleep well that night, but still got up the next day and went to work.  And it wasn't crazy or hectic, despite being the only one from my department there, but it was busy all day.  I came home, putzed around here doing other things and then settled in to catch up on everything.

I got two posts made and published.  But everytime, no matter how I tired, I simply could NOT make a post about my walk on Sunday. Everytime I tried, I got this notice that some required field wasn't completed.  Had no idea what it was talking about but even after a few hours, I still couldnt do it.

It only took my until I was laying in bed thinking about it and fooling around with blogger on my iPhone that I realized that, for whatever reason, Blogger was NOW, all of a sudden, requiring titles on all the posts.  *SIGH*  Whatever.

So anyway, I think I have everything caught up.  Also, since I worked Monday, my regular day off, I took Wednesday off, and since Im taking the 4th off as well, I get a two day holiday in the middle of the week.  That's good news.

At any rate, below is everything from the past few days I missed.


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