Friday, November 29, 2013

Giving thanks, for all we got....

So how was MY Thanksgiving?  Thanks for asking, I'll tell ya!

Slept in until a bit after 8:00am.  Putzed around on the computer.  Showered and dressed and walked to mom's.  Helped her load up the car.  Went with her to get Grandma.  Then off to the community center whenre the whole extended family amass for the dinner (there's between 50-70 people, depending).  Played with the little cousins as they arrived, talked to the older cousins that I only see once a year or so.  Went outside and supervised some of the younger kids playing.  Staved off multiple attempts by those same kids to tackle me.  Came back inside to warm up.  Ate Thanksgiving dinner (at lunchtime).  Had two plate fulls, and three small desserts.  Talked to relatives for a while.  Held and played with my newest cousin, 5 month old Lil Chris.  Since my one cousin works for the local ambulance squad, and since he drove one of the emergency vehicles to the dinner (because he was still on call), I got set off the lights and siren!!!  Packed everything up into the car and came home.

Started doing my Christmas cards at 3:53 PM.  Completed all the cards at 7:27 PM.  Watched Dallas beat Oakland.  Had a bowl of chili for supper.  Started watching the Steelers-Ravens game.  Was tired and went to bed.  Read for a bit before turning out the light at 10:30PM.

And yep, that was my day.  And here are some pics:

This is the daily newspaper.  The paper itself is on the right, the ads and inserts are on the left, and yes there is at least four times as many ads than news.  *SIGH*

Lil Chris, while everyone else ate.

Big Polt holding Lil Chris.

Big Polt and Lil Chris looking straight at the camera!

Lil Chris and our cousin Cory. 

Mama Polt and Lil Chris.

Before I started: the Christmas cards, Christmas stamps, Christmas return address stickers, address book and list of people receiving cards.

And 3.5 hours later, the completed cards, envelopes addressed, stamped, return labels affixed and ready to be mailed!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Aw - Lil Chris is sooo cute. Love the pics of you with him. It's great that you have so many people to celebrate Thanksgiving with.

You're already done with your cards? Eek - I better get a move on!