Sunday, November 03, 2013

November came down hard this year...

So let's talk November.

November is my favorite month, for many reasons.  Let me count the ways:

It's getting cool enough to wear jackets.
It's got Veteran's Day.
It's got Thanksgiving, and all the food associated with it.
Football's in full swing.
I fill out my Christmas Cards on Thanksgiving while watching football.
It's my birthday month.

This particular November, though, is gonna be even more awesome because I'm gonna be off work quite a bit.  The 8th, I'm taking off because Colin is stopping by and staying over the night previous.  Monday the 11th is both Veterans' Day and my regular day off, so I'm taking the 12th off for the holiday.  In addition, that night I'm going to see Mamma Mia with mom, my friend Michelle and her mom in Shippensburg.  Since that's likely to be late, I'm going to take the day after, the 13th, off as well.  And on the 14th, I'll be at work, but not really working since I'll be taking CPR training that day.  The 22nd and the 23rd, I'll take off because FDot is supposed to come down and spend the weekend (still kinda up in the air, but I really hope it happens, that'll be so much fun).  And then of course, there's Thanksgiving Day.

So, there are 22 working day in the month of November and I'm going to be off 7 of those days, nearly a third.  And I'll be spending those days off doing things like chowing down on turkey, watching Doctor Who  with FDot, singing along with ABBA, and having bedtimesexxyfun with Colin.

November's gonna rock!



Anonymous said...

Now interestingly this year my birthday falls on a Sunday, the one before Thanksgiving this time around.

And we get Thanksgiving Day and the day after off. But I'm thinking about taking Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday off. We'll see.

Michelle M. said...

Mmm. Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to mashed potatoes. I'm hoping to get my shopping and my cards done by the end of the month...